Mary, Kata, and Francois are 3 friends living in different cities in the US and Europe. We realized we are all high achievers, succeeding in our careers, but struggled to follow through on our personal goals.

We came together and shared our knowledge on productivity and accountability - we reviewed countless studies, research reports, and methodologies, and tried a little bit of everything.

What we realized is that everyone is different - what works for one of us, didn’t work for the others, and vice versa. But, one thing was sure - having someone who knew us to recommend resources and keep us on track made all the difference.

Over the months since we started helping each other, we saw huge changes in our lives - Mary was able to finally make time for herself, go on dates with her husband, and schedule time with friends. Kata exited from a project that wasn’t fulfilling her and found her dream job working with a sustainability-focused innovation consultancy. And Francois settled into a regular workout routine, meeting his fitness goals.

That’s when it occurred to us that we all have a passion for accountability - and we want to bring our simple methodology to others. We’re not just impersonal coaches following a one-size-fits-all playbook. Rather, we get to know each and everyone one of our mentees and give them the support they need based on their personality and the goals they are trying to achieve.

We do have some principles behind Your Goal Compass that is standard for every coaching relationship. These are around planning and execution.

1. You can’t have results without a plan.

We don’t care about the tool - trust us, we’ve tried them all - but you need a simple way to document your commitment to yourself and be able to track your progress. We have a simple Google sheet template we work with but are happy to integrate to whatever system you love or are already using.

2. We live and die by our calendars.

For us, if it’s not scheduled, it won’t happen. A bit part of your success depends on finding time on a weekly basis to advance in your goals, and this means blocking it off on your calendar. If you are not a big calendar user or don’t check it several times a day, The Goal Compass may not be for you! And that’s ok.

3. Follow through!

And the last piece - it’s not enough to have a great plan and time blocked off in your calendar. This is where you actually DO the things you say you will do. And we will help you with reminders and troubleshooting during our weekly accountability calls! We are your biggest cheerleaders, and look forward to celebrating your early successes and watching those small wins become big wins over time!

Mary, Kata, Francois

Why we started the Goal Compass…

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